
Generate a live replay

Retrieve the replay of your live event to share, archive or cut into short videos.
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Maximize coverage of your events by generating instant replay of your lives

Live video is an increasingly powerful tool for connecting with your audience in real time. It's important to be able to exploit it to the full with live video editing software. However, it's just as crucial to generate a replay of a live event to maximize its reach. Whether for a TV show, a webinar, or a sporting event, replay gives your content a second life, reaching a wider audience and offering viewing flexibility.
With Yuzzit, your video stream is recorded continuously. You can follow it live, or return to a previously broadcast sequence that interests you. At the end of a broadcast, you can manually or automatically generate a replay of your live stream. You can then download, archive or publish it directly from Yuzzit.

Select only the best sequences from your lives for your replay

Quality content is the key to engaging your audience. By selecting the most impactful moments from your lives, you create an engaging and relevant live replay. This step not only preserves the essence of the original event, but also optimizes viewing time by highlighting the highlights. Yuzzit is the ideal solution, enabling you to easily trim your videos, remove unnecessary parts or merge the most important extracts. 

Edit and personalize your replay videos

Customize your replays with Yuzzit's advanced editing tools to create unique and engaging content, whether on your entire replay or on the video clips created from it. Integrate graphic elements, subtitles, or adjust the format to meet the specific needs of different platforms, such as YouTube or TikTok. This personalization reinforces your brand identity and increases subscriber engagement.

Publish your video replays on all social networking platforms

Once your replay is ready, maximize its impact by broadcasting it on various social networks. Each platform has its own audience and preferred format, from YouTube to Instagram stories. With Yuzzit, you can instantly distribute your replay across multiple platforms, ensuring greater visibility and more extensive interaction with your audience.

How to generate a live replay with Yuzzit?

Step 1: Connect your video stream to Yuzzit

Send your live stream to the RTMP URL/Key provided by Yuzzit, or paste your HLS URL into Yuzzit. As soon as we receive your stream, it will be automatically broadcast as it happens.

Step 2: Generate the replay of your live show or set up automatic generation

Yuzzit offers 2 solutions. With the "event" function, you can program in advance the automatic generation of a replay video in mp4, based on the continuous recording of the live event. All you have to do is specify the date and duration. The program can be recurrent, generating a video of your daily show. Alternatively, you can generate a replay video manually at the end of your live show, using the timeline available below the player, which also lets you cut out extracts from your live show.

Step 3: Download the replay of your live broadcast or publish it

Once your replay video is available in the Yuzzit library, you can directly download it or publish it on a VOD platform (YouTube, Dailymotion, Vimeo, etc.) or post it on a server via FTP.

Step 4: Reuse your live replay in Yuzzit

Once generated, your replay will be stored in the library for an unlimited period of time. At any time, you can select it and summarize it, generate extracts, subtitle it - in short, use all the video-editing features available in Yuzzit.

A unique set of features for editing lives and generating replays

Real-time cutting and editing functions

Yuzzit offers advanced tools for cutting and editing your videos in real time, enabling great flexibility and rapid response to audience requirements.

User-friendly interface

Yuzzit's user-friendly interface makes replays easy to create, even for less experienced users, making the editing process accessible and efficient.

Simplified collaboration

Yuzzit supports team collaboration, enabling multiple users to work together on the same project, ensuring smooth, coordinated working.

Edit your videos with professional features

Generate a replay of your live show with Yuzzit now:
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Make the most of your live recording to gain an audience: instantly share your live replay and stay present in the eyes of your audience. Yuzzit, your partner for fast content production!
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Frequently asked questions

Why generate a live replay?

Generating a replay of a live event allows viewers to revisit the content after the live broadcast, offering flexible access and the chance to catch up on key moments they may have missed during the live broadcast. This enhances the user experience by allowing viewing at the audience's convenience.

How does replay generation work on Yuzzit ?

Yuzzit makes it easy to generate your replay when it's just finished. To do this, you need to connect your video stream to Yuzzit before the event to be recorded. Then you can either schedule automatic generation of your replay, or generate it yourself after it has occurred.

Can Yuzzit generate a replay of any event?

Yes, Yuzzit can generate a replay of any event, offering flexible recording and viewing for all your live content, whether it's a sports show, a TV or radio broadcast, a corporate event... The replay of your live event will be generated in mp4 format and can contain up to 8h of video.

What customization options are available on Yuzzit for live replays?

Yuzzit offers a wide range of customization options for live replay. You can cut out extracts from the replay, modify its format, customize its skin, or even add subtitles. Only the length of the replay can be an obstacle, as it can take a long time to process a +1h replay.

How long do I have after my live show to generate the replay?

Your live stream recording is available by default for 7 days. This period can be extended according to your needs. If you generate a live replay in Yuzzit, it will be stored in the library for an unlimited time.

Can I schedule the generation of my replay?

Yes, before the start of your live show, you can program the automatic generation of the replay by indicating the start date and time, as well as its duration. As soon as your live broadcast ends, a video of the entire live broadcast (up to 8:00) will be generated, which you can find in the library.